View Profile LJCoffee

256 Audio Reviews w/ Response

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Very chilled - a little sad...

a few minor click and pops here and there but nothing to worry about.

Some of the higher freqs are a little harsh which contrasts with the smoothness of the background pads.

Personally, for this one, I think you could have used a "softer" drum kit - I'm thinking more brushes perhaps - but still, damn nice job.

The ending could have been drawn out just a bit more - very very slowly decrease the volume while ever so slightly increasing some reverb to give it more of a "fading and falling away" feel

This is a really nice piece and evokes a good deal of emotion - I think that even though it could use a few minor changes it's still very much worthy of a 5 - which is why I got this message:

Thanks for your vote, LJCoffee! You voted 5 for Grace, keeping its score at 5.00.

pitbulljones responds:

thanks lj, a good solid review there. i don't know why i've got these pops and click in the track, they simply shouldn't be there. with reference to the high frequenceis i'm assuming you mean the guitar. i get what you're sayng, but i like that harshness around the mellowness.

i might take you up on the brushbeat idea, tis a good idea that. With regards to the end, i did actually want to have a really slow fadeout on this, but i thought it was getting on the long side as it was, surprisingly enough, there isn't a single piece of reverb on this track, that ive placed in anyway. but i get hat you mean about getting that 'washy' feeling over. again good idea.

thanks for the review, i'll bob by soon and review you bk. oh and the 5 too.

I liked it - mistakes or not

Straight 9's on this.

I loved the way you changed it up with the asian flair in there.

I've always been a big fan of the shaku-sortof-hachi bits - was that done in Reaktor's steampipe by any chance?

Nice job - Mistakes or not, this was still an excellent piece - I usually love the tracks with a lot of contrast and this one had it - Very laid back ambience with the wind and yet still maintained very high energy levels with the percussion.


Splagawaga responds:

speedy replies aswell today :P

the flute part is actually sampled. my family are good friends with the local japanese restaurant and the manageress leant me a cd of japanese flute soloing.

absolute gold i can tell u. for a small fee i may be able to pass some your way :)

u may not have noticed, the final drop and bassline arent quite right. another track i couldnt fix at the time and cant be assed to go back to. gg

Yoo Fonky Bitch!

Nice little funkjob.

I kept waiting for some mad break to rip my tweeters apart though... :(

Definitely a bizarre chunk of notes though.

calliope-esque carnival ambience with that lovely little squelchy shit.

Sort of... down-clown-step

Honestly, have to say that it not one of favorites but it's still a pretty cool track.


Splagawaga responds:

hehe, no mad break just an acid synth with monster distortion. appreciate the quick response :) i have to say the carnival type melody is my favorite part of this track, not a best seller but a damn good read (even if i do say so myself)


There's just something cool about shakuhachis and 303s. Acid and Kung-Fu.

So far, I really like how you've been pushing your timbres out every so often like someone came by asking "Gee what's this do mate?" and cranked a knob just a little too far for a moment.

Damn nice job all around - too bad there's that pesky little filesize limit - I was planning on downloading both parts and splicing them together - unless I can talk you into emailing a copy to me - if it's under 10MB then there shouldn't be any problems sending to multimediamaster@gmail.com

This is a bad-ass piece of music.

I'll listen for a while and leave more comments in a review for part 2.

5/5 for both parts

Splagawaga responds:

you're no slouch hehe, i went down to get a coffee and u sneaked a review already. u wont be able to splice them together because i edited the end of part one so it pitches down and reverbs (to signify my disappointment) ill email u the full track in a second. thanks for the swift review. and expect more funky acid soon.

Kicks ass

Shite... I just wrote up a review on this and there was a problem submitting...

I'll try again.

This was a completely sick little stutter job.

I loved how you used the triplets to punctuate things a bit here and there.

Pushing the vox to the back, keeping it muffled and under constant supervision of some reverb combined with that angry,chirpy,bitchy little lead synth gave made this track feel a little like the audial equivalent of a speedball.

Crackheads who hang out in opium dens would really dig this!

btw That was supposed to be a compliment

I liked "Obz Cure" a bit more than this track but it's a damn fine piece of work overall.


Splagawaga responds:

glad u noticed the triplets, it was an attempt to 'borrow' from and aphex track.

As for the chirpy bitch synth :) if its the same synth im thinking of, i think its actually a pitched snare drum. to begin with it was just sposed to be back ground rhythmn but i got a bit carried away.

the vocals were just there to thicken the ambience a little bit. and they certainly add eerieness.

thanks for reviewing! 2 more tracks coming up today.

5/4 ... nice

Odd time signatures are always so awesome.

You did a completely sick job here -

As for impressions I would say that listening to this is rathar like a spooky little dose of tainted acid after a hard night of drinking. Everything feels alien - it's hard to walk, everything is out of focus - you can't maintain balance and your brain can't focus on anything for more than a 10th of a second at a time... And that's all before the seizures kick in.

The percussive change-ups were a nice touch and kept the piece fresh the whole time. The couple of times where you pushed the synth a bit gave it a nice feel along the lines of "almost went over the edge into acid-land there and struggling to keep it together"

The glitch work was fantastic and you're a definite new favorite!

I didn't hear much of a problem with the audio compression - I'm sure that if I compared this side by side to a super high quality version then I'd pick it all out but still, it sounded great on my end.

Admiration and respect from this side!


Splagawaga responds:

:D its nice to wake up to 4 comprehensive reviews from urself and the king.

i like your analogy of the battle worn drunk staggering around. it has that sort of feeling to dance around to, lots of stalling and stumbling.

As for the compression, listening back this doesnt actually sound as bad as i thought. i previously compressed it down to fm radio quality so it dropped from 44 to 22 and that sounded awful. my production itself definately isnt a strong point.

Anyways, i really appreciate the positive comments, thanks.

p.s. im just about to upload a couple more now. keep checking keep checking.

Damn nice job...

Sorry I didn't get over to review earlier - I only just saw the review that you left me.

This was a good piece - ever so slightly muffled though - I think the problem may be in how you're recording it. You'll have to PM me with some details and maybe I can help a bit.

Loved it though! 5/5

WinTang responds:

I would love some help yes, thank you :)
PM will come your way soon. Thanks for the 5!


I wouldn't say you suck!

I thought you did a real bang-up job on it (pun) - I'm so fucking funny I could piss myself...

Actual playing was fantastic - recording wasn't the best but hey - whatcha gonna do right?

Keep it up and one day you'll look back and think to yourself - "I used to know this guy ljcoffee before I got famous - I wonder if he's laying in a gutter somewhere" Then one of your harem girls will pour you another drink.

PERVOK responds:

Ba dum dum pish! *Laugh track plays*

Haha, puns are the best form of cheap humor :D

The recording wasn't the best, yes I know, but its actually the best quality I can squeeze out of this 15$ mic. I think its pretty decent for a shit mic.

And about the harem girl thing... LOL!

Heh heh...

funny - I just left a review for "Blanket" and mentioned that it sounded a bit like KB's work - I guess you've been listening to a bit of his stuff eh? He's had an influence on some of my work as well. You couldn't have picked a better artist for inspiration.

Again, a tough call on the scores - 9's and 10's. You get my vote of 5 though!

In one of my earlier reviews I had mentioned that you're definitely on your way up - I still believe that - You seem to have gotten a little notice on the boards as well - Now as soon as Tom decides to get that NG label going we'll all be in good shape :D

Really nice work - still looking forward to working with you on something (hint)

StrangeEncounters responds:

Lol, that collab is going pretty slowly. Thanks for the review.

Oh dear god the propaganda!!

Hmmmm. let's see now. I see what you mean about how it gets a bit choppy - it's a little unsettling - I liked the glitchy little bits thrown in here and there - the panning on the guitar was just a little too harsh - avoid panning extreme hard left or right and it'll feel a little smoother, unless that's what you were going for.

I really wasn't crazy about the propaganda samples -

Honesltly I don't think it's your best work - I'm voting 4/5 on this.

You should advertise it in the forum though to get more reviews and votes!

UnrealClock responds:

OK. I know this song probably won't ever be as great as I originally hoped for it to be, but whatever also check out my newest submission to the portal Distortion
From Above! Also LJCoffee you our still one of my favorite artists in the portal!

I do all of the above. I mean it. I can back it up too.


Ronin Animator

Multiple Many, and how


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