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Needs mastering mastering mastering!

A little clunky here and there - something sounds a little too.... human? in there?? Maybe it's because you have the double-bass pumping out perfectly quantized 32nds contrasted by the guitar. I guess what I mean is that with such dense quatized percussion, the slightest veriation of human timing is amplified a bit - So I guess that being off by a 64th or a 32nd seems to throw the timing off much more than it actually does.

I'd have to listen a few more times to be sure but I think there was a part where one of the guitars was either playing really chunky triplets (but big ones) or possibly in 3/4 time over the rest - It was actually pretty cool though, I liked the little polyrythm thing that was going on there.

The vocals were definitely aggressive - well, as aggressive as gay rainbow man lyrics can be I guess :D The levels were off a bit in a few spots.Most noticeable towards the beginning where the support vocal "Gay Rainbow man" that's panned right a bit comes in - it sounds a bit louder.

I would have voted 4/5 - the levels were off a bit and the whole thing could have used a little more work - but it was funny so if I could, I'd give it a 4.5

The thing is, I just refreshed the page and your score was at 2.5 so I'm guessing someone just zeroed it - because of that, I'll 5 it for you.

darkkloud responds:

ahh amazing review as always. much appreciated my friend.and as for the levels when the vox come in the right, that was an acident. i actually had a little spike(my mic is broken) and when i lowered the level of that part, i accidently forgot the right side.


dat wuz so secksy! yoo need 2 make me a trance masterclass and also I would need to know how to make the best techno beets 2!

You could probly sell this on ebay if you could put it ona dvd and you will be rich.

you are my DnB hero !

bythe way, I didnt want to ask in the forums cuz they will make fun of me but i didnt no wut DnB actually stands 4 so could you PM it to me plz? I think its Dirty Nasty Breaks but I might be wrong. I dont want to look all stoopid and stuff for the AF regulers and i think they will make fun of me if I dont know what it means.

also where can i get that amen brake you used cuz I hear it and I want to use it a lot for stuff but I cant ever use google. Can you email it?


StereoTactik responds:

Wel ell jay i am very glad you lerned from mine's tutorial. i wud be glad 2 maek a tekcno tutorial for the poepl who meak tranc and stuf but honsetly i are no tvery good at taht stuf.
about wot dnb stands fur, im acshuly reserching the kweshun rite now on wikapeda. i wil pm u wen i figger it out.
wel i wud certenyl send u the amen brake but teh problm is i dont has email. i wil pm it 2 u thou.

thakns for leikin my tutorial i hop u lerned good form it.


Very cool track - I left off a point for effort so you'll have incentive to finish it :D

The Dog's bollocks, the Bee's knees, the Cat's ass, the poo and a happy ending with a bag of chips all rolled into one.

loved the samples - all worked great together.

Really good stuff Ped - keep it up!

snoballandthmonyshot responds:

thanks old man,
we had fun with this one, i spoke to waga about it and i think we are gonna make time to smooth it over and finish. we played this at a party the other night soooper loud and the massive drop towards the end sounded immense.
you got any new ones in your pipeline?

Nice work

Good stuff - Oh yeah, good luck on the Fl vs Reason collab! I hope we win hahaha

Wait... we're on the same team aren't we...

Oh - ok then, well in that case, good luck on the Fl vs Reason collab! I hope we win hahaha

really though, nice track - good work! 5/5

Erectronik responds:

Lol I think you just repeated yourself there :p lol I hope we win too hahaha :3

Not bad

But you said the same thing to me just yesterday.

Nice work - I'm ofsetting that zero with ... ANOTHER ZERO! :D

. ? >:|

No - wait.. that won't work at all... what I meant was a 5! - yeah , a 5!

a frikkin 5 parade man! all 5's every day - all day - all through the night and into the morning with the 5's

a 5 over here - and another one over there. Her a 5 there a 5 everywhere a frikkin 5!

Yaaaaayy!!! GoooOOOOOO 5!

(feel a little better?) :)

Quarl responds:

hahaha, thanks man :P I don't know what I said yesterday...but I'm sorry :D

haha, 5 parade!! Yay! Oh look over ther! 5 marching bands! WoAh!

Very very VERY nice work!

Perfect - No complaints or suggestions whatsoever.

Beauty in simplicity I suppose.

This is an absolutely terrific track and you've definitely done your part to raise the bar a bit.

This is worth a vote of 6, but there's no button for that, so a 5 it is.

MUCH respect to you!

Winterwind-NS responds:

thanks for the review and the pm
i only wished that more ppl would be able to enjoy this as much as u :)

Not too bad

A little clunky - something didn't seem to gel correctly - decent vocoder thing happening though.

I really would have liked to hear this turn into something more - I felt like I was waiting for something to finally kick in but it just never did.

Keep it up though !

Suspended-3rd-Chord responds:

yea, I was trying for a while to kinda build it up to something, but it just never happened. the dance-ish part was supposed to be a bit longer, but I was never able to really get that anticipated intense feel in this song.

thanks alot for the review man!

Hmmmm Tough one.

Sounds alright but you've got a real retro sound happening here along side of more up to date samples. I think that if you stuck with the more chip-tuney percussion it would have worked out nicer.

Not really my thing so don't pay too much attention to my critique.

Keep on submitting! 4/5

hjhkbn responds:

Yeah i know, it was supposed to be all retro. I wanted to be like that because it was like a lab theme.

Nice - if a little repetitive

A little repetitive and honestly after a few bars I felt like I was waiting for something - not sure what - but like I said, I felt like I was ... waiting. Sounded like it was heavy on the higher frequencies - could have used a little more beef in the bass maybe? Not a bad track at all - I don't want you to think that I didn't like it - I did, I'm just letting you know where I think the little trouble spots might be.

ALl in all a nice track.

Whirlguy responds:

I like it when people point things out what could have been better, thats what I do when I write reviews aswell(: I agree about the bass, and repetitive, well.. I tried spicing it up the best as I could. Glad you like it though! Thanks for the review^-^

Lose some of the Intro!

GREAT sounding track once you get past the intro, which went on just a little too long. After that though it really turned into something unexpectedly cool.

Very nice job!

Lose those pan flutes and timpanis though :)

Great track - 5!

Whirlguy responds:

I started this song with the boring intro and then got the idea to throw it all over. I have been thinking about throwing the intro away after that, but the next part wouldnt be as good if I did that. Id say that this would be a good introtrack if Id ever make an album:P

Thanks for the review! (:

I do all of the above. I mean it. I can back it up too.


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