Pure, unadulterated and highly potent crap...
As a piece of flash work it sucked... text fades to try to make a point are just a little trite...
The message - also crap - no substance at all - threadbare personal opinion very thinly disguised as politically insightful illumination...
One point which I found interesting was that according to your statements we, humans, are a natural enemy of nature (???) and that nature tries to cull our flock (so to speak) which is in and of itself tree-hugging wanna-be-hippie bullshit but that SOMEHOW we (the evil human race) keeps on kickin' and so we kill off our own through WAR... So are you saying that WAR is good for nature - after all if that's what nature wants (population control) and we provide it, then aren't our REAL enemies the anti-war activists who would apparently like to see massive overpopulation, disease (which again is perfectly NATURAL) and famine?
Let the kids starve - it's what mother nature is all about...