Absolute crap...
I really hope your mod skills far surpass your flash skills as this was just an all around horrible submission.
The sound was annoying - skipping popping choppy sound...
The graphics were so far below sub-par that you must have TRIED to make them look that bad...
The text was completely unreadable...
and finally it seems as though the entire submission was just a cheap marketing ploy - no that's not right - 'marketing' implies that there is money involved- it was a cheap "hey lookie lookie, I'm making a mod to a 4 year old game" ploy...
Don't bother - Black and White 2 will be released soon anyway and the entire B&W/B&W-CI thing will be so far outdated that not even YOU will want to play your mod...
I know it may be harsh - but it's all true - tough love brother...