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    256 Audio Reviews w/ Response

    All 356 Reviews

    Very Nice!

    blended a few things well! - The guitar was great - You're well on your way to becoming one of my favorites - only three tracks but all of them are very well done.

    I have a feeling that as soon as you start getting some more attention you're going to become very, very popular around here.

    Too bad that your stuff gets low votes so early on - once they're downrated hardly anyone hears them again...

    This too gets a 5 from me.

    btw - the piano and strings - all you? If so then you've got such great potential as a composer.

    randomkarmagenerator responds:

    Thanks for the review. If only more people were open with their opinions. Actually there isn't a guitar in this, the instrument that sounds like an electric guitar is in fact a modified piano (distortion+flange+feedback+echo). It would probably be easier to tell at a higher mp3 bitrate. The piano and strings are Reason, but I wrote them (if that's what you're asking).

    Kazoos are cool....

    Gotta love that little saw waveform that the kazoo buzzes out...

    This was really good - I liked it - pretty dark piece, sounds like bad guys are coming!

    I'm voting 5 to bring the score up a bit. - I would have voted 5 anyway on this piece - I liked it alot - nice feel to it.

    Kataomoi was awesome - this one was too - maybe I need to give Opiate a review...

    randomkarmagenerator responds:

    Thanks again for the review. I didn't see it as dark myself, but I guess it could be interpereted that way. Also, thanks for the vote.


    Awesome clicks man - they roll nicely! This was a solid piece of trace - I love the chittery little bits in there. Bassline was fairly straight forward - got a little bendy in spots which helped keep it interesting. All in all this was a great piece of work! I could easily hear this played in so many clubs around here.

    I'm voting 5 - the current score is way too low on this. - from 3.25 to 3.6 hmmmm... too many low voters man... Actually a pretty good sign though, I think alot of people vote really low on stuff they think will give them competition. So I guess a 1 or 2 means that someone out there thought you were way better than they.

    Your stuff is getting better by the submission! - and DAMN but you seem busy! - what, you have like 115 - 120 submissions already!! - busy busy busy.

    I wish I had more time to play with audio but my day job eats up way too much :(

    btw - thx for the mention in that thread - I really don't deserve it.

    PERVOK responds:

    lol man i waste time....
    i dont make music. i play with sounds and ppl like them.

    looks like you got hit....

    Man the score on this is pretty low - I guess it's pretty safe to assume that a few ppl have zero'd your work...

    I'm voted 5 to try to help... at least it came from 1.67 to 2.50 not incredible but it might help a little..

    PERVOK responds:

    heh thanks man

    8-bit nostalgia!

    Lost points on effort - Although I'm sure that you put some work into it I also know how easy it is to import a midi ! :D

    All of the rest of the points you get are for creating a nostalgic 8-bit medley.

    Really tough to score - again, I'm voting 4 on this - cith a little more work it could've been a 5 though.

    btw - the fake-out at the very end was a little funny...

    tedJohnston responds:

    hey, thanks for the review!

    i actually put a great deal of work into this piece...i only imported a midi for one of the themes (Tetris...i gave up after a day ^_-) and for the bassline of the Pokemon Bike Theme. the rest was done by ear. you can tell 'cause some of 'em aren't exactly how you would hear them in the game (the most noticeable being Mario 3). i addded a bit of my own flavor to 'em as i went along. this song used a total of 30-something mixer channels with an assload of devices...so yes, i can safely say that this wasn't just some cut and paste job!

    and yes...like it was said before, the ending is a thing of nostalgic lore. thanks again! cheers an g'day.

    -Ted Johnston

    Not bad....

    Not too bad. BTW - what are you asking to join?

    Originality - lost points because it's a derivative work but gained a few back for adding something different to it :)

    I'm voting 4 - hopefully this will help bring your score up a bit - went from a 2.5 to a 3 - I'm assuming that you gave yourself a 5 which means someone out there zero'd ya!

    I would suggest not voting on your own stuff, at least not until it's no longer listed on the AP front page... You'll be a little less likely to attract negative attention that way.

    see ya round...

    tedJohnston responds:

    hey dude, thanks for the review man!

    yeah...i usually don't vote on my own stuff for that very reason. someone 5'd this song right from the start...and i guess everyone assumed it was me 5'ing my own work. the zero was most likely from Scorpion132 getting angry 'cause i actually have decent sounding original work while he knows nothing about audio, and all his music is stolen.

    anyways, you'll be hearing more on this piece later! cheers an g'day.

    -Ted Johnston

    Nice job on this...

    I really dug the gated bit at the beginning - I almost went to check my speakers... :D

    Didn't care so much for the accelerando or the warping though - it felt a little odd... Nice electro-drone - the drums weren't bad but you should change 'em up a bit here and there.

    This was so close ... I'm voting 4 - this was really good but unless a track grabs me hard enough to want to listen to it more than once then it falls just short of a 5.

    This was really very good though - you're talented! - and pretty original too!

    Keep up the great work!

    dsenic responds:

    Thankx for that. This song is like 1 1/2 year old. I know the drums are kinda the same all the time with no cuts and stuff. I'm working in new stuff more pumpt' up and faster tempo. Most of the songs here are old, the newest one is Paradise, and that one is Techno.
    ....Also, when I did this song, I learned a lot of new FXs and I was playing around with them. If I fix it, It will change a lot better.

    Great track

    Why this didn't get in the top five I'll never know... Imagine that - witty AND very talented !

    This was a fantastic piece - loved the dissonance - Drums were done very well - Great melody - harmony was perfect - just odd enough to give it alot of tension without getting way too crazy...

    I'm giving an extra point to everyone lately to help compensate for the zero voters. Either way though, with or without the extra point I voted 5 on this piece.

    Great stuff. keep this up!

    randomkarmagenerator responds:

    Thanks for the review and vote of confidence. I'll try not to disappoint with my upcoming projects.

    Not bad ... not bad ...

    I voted 5 on this but I did it to make a point - please see the post in the "Wave Sound Files Into .wav, .mp3" topic...

    This was decent I s'pose - if I were voting for real I'd have given this a 4.

    Very generic trancy clubby stuff.

    tedJohnston responds:

    actually, i wouldn't be surprised if a total of six people (including you) have voted on this song...i do appreciate you reviewing my stuff though. thanks alot! cheers an g'day.

    -Ted Johnston

    Not bad...

    A little annoying though after 5 or 6 times through - The lower strings are a little heavy, the clicks feel a little like a metronome but the blips are decent and the main melody isn't too bad... Only prob really is that at the end of the loop I get the distinct feeling that the piece is over due to the melodic progression and the sudden multiple cymbal hits - this makes the loop is much more apparent. If the loop were 'hidden' a little more and if everything were a little better balanced I think it would be a decent submission of the front page.

    Pretty good job though - I know how it is when composing a loop - have to try to balance it all out - tough to judge as well because after all what can you really do in 15 seconds right?

    I'm voting 3 on this - it was ok - nothing truly inspired and certainly nothing to email others about. This was right in the middle for me. Not bad at all but nothing stuck out.

    Keep it up though - most of your stuff has been pretty good so far.

    tedJohnston responds:

    hey thanks for the review!

    yeah...i know what you mean about keeping the loop 'hidden'. it's hard 'cause i originally composed this as a longer piece, and then the loop version came after. i may try composing some short loops for the only purpose of being short loops (instead of full songs). you can decide whether the loops in those sound 'hidden' or not hahaha.

    thanks again! cheers an g'day.

    -Ted Johnston

    I do all of the above. I mean it. I can back it up too.


    Ronin Animator

    Multiple Many, and how


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