View Profile LJCoffee

356 Audio Reviews

256 w/ Responses

Great track

Why this didn't get in the top five I'll never know... Imagine that - witty AND very talented !

This was a fantastic piece - loved the dissonance - Drums were done very well - Great melody - harmony was perfect - just odd enough to give it alot of tension without getting way too crazy...

I'm giving an extra point to everyone lately to help compensate for the zero voters. Either way though, with or without the extra point I voted 5 on this piece.

Great stuff. keep this up!

randomkarmagenerator responds:

Thanks for the review and vote of confidence. I'll try not to disappoint with my upcoming projects.

Overall nice track

Clean kicks - really strong too... nice hats... Nice job overall... good arp effects but the parts where you're adjusting the cutoff (maybe?) down then back up shouldn't have been done to the all tracks....

I'm voting 5 on this - Actually a few weeks ago I might have voted 4 but given the rise of zero voters lately I'm adjusting my scales a bit by adding an additional point to the active AP people's submissions to try and compensate -

Melody... gets... unexpected in places - That's pretty good though - I'm not incredibly fond of knowing exactly what's coming from one measure to the next..

Dark clubby stuff... Really good! ... drop me an email sometime...

Not bad ... not bad ...

I voted 5 on this but I did it to make a point - please see the post in the "Wave Sound Files Into .wav, .mp3" topic...

This was decent I s'pose - if I were voting for real I'd have given this a 4.

Very generic trancy clubby stuff.

tedJohnston responds:

actually, i wouldn't be surprised if a total of six people (including you) have voted on this song...i do appreciate you reviewing my stuff though. thanks alot! cheers an g'day.

-Ted Johnston

Not bad...

A little annoying though after 5 or 6 times through - The lower strings are a little heavy, the clicks feel a little like a metronome but the blips are decent and the main melody isn't too bad... Only prob really is that at the end of the loop I get the distinct feeling that the piece is over due to the melodic progression and the sudden multiple cymbal hits - this makes the loop is much more apparent. If the loop were 'hidden' a little more and if everything were a little better balanced I think it would be a decent submission of the front page.

Pretty good job though - I know how it is when composing a loop - have to try to balance it all out - tough to judge as well because after all what can you really do in 15 seconds right?

I'm voting 3 on this - it was ok - nothing truly inspired and certainly nothing to email others about. This was right in the middle for me. Not bad at all but nothing stuck out.

Keep it up though - most of your stuff has been pretty good so far.

tedJohnston responds:

hey thanks for the review!

yeah...i know what you mean about keeping the loop 'hidden'. it's hard 'cause i originally composed this as a longer piece, and then the loop version came after. i may try composing some short loops for the only purpose of being short loops (instead of full songs). you can decide whether the loops in those sound 'hidden' or not hahaha.

thanks again! cheers an g'day.

-Ted Johnston


Sounded alot like Mortal Kombat meets the Matrix... with a little Nintendo for good measure

The glitchy bits were very well done but I think you used about 100 too many hits. - The phased bassline was alright but it was just a little too stereotypical - Using the triplet echos and all - The timbre of the main melody left a little to be desired.

Overall I see where you were going with this and it's not really a bad piece - it just wasn't a great one...

Again, I'm voting 4 - you spent some time on it and it's really good but it didn't blow me away... Reworked a little this could be a 5 but as it is I think a 4 is fair enough.

tedJohnston responds:

hey, thanks for reviewing!

yes, like said before...this track was more of an experimental little bit than it was a full piece...there are lots of ideas in this track that could be developed and i'll keep what you've said in mind when i work on my future pieces.

thanks alot! cheers an g'day.

-Ted Johnston

Not too bad...

Drags a little - just a hair on the 'too repetitive' side - Jeez - this sounds like mine - what? do you master through headphones as well? There was a bit of distortion on the lower end but that's not too big of a deal. This felt like it could have been much more but as it is it's decent. Because of the above - distortion and lack of progression - I'm voting 4 on this track.

You're doing alright though so far. I'd like to hear what you can do if you REALLY apply yourself.

tedJohnston responds:

thanks for the review!

hmm...i master through speakers. distortion? i'm using a pretty nice limiter on the whole thing...and there's no clipping without the limiter either...maybe you have your bass cranked up a bit too much? i'll check it again just to be sure...

thanks alot! cheers an g'day.

-Ted Johnston

Great job ... again!

I liked your Ellipses Loop better but this is also a really good submission. I'm sure that at least one of these will get used on the aportal front page. - Assuming that they actually get around to changing the loops!

BTW - I voted 5 for Ellipses and I'm voting 5 on this as well... Lately I've been trying to remember to tell ppl what I'm voting and why.

These are all quality tracks.

AdmiralConquistador responds:

ljcoffee is a punk. Try and edit this one, hahahahahahahaha

The telling people what you vote for on the review is a good idea actually.

Hopefully liljim got Denvish's email about all the submissions we made.


Really nice!

Very good aportal submission...

Tallahassee!? Just a few hours away... I'm over just north of Tampa.

This is a really decent loop - doesn't get boring or old even after a few times through.

AdmiralConquistador responds:

You bastard! I wonder what Katrina did to you, I was in Miami when it hit and it fucked shit up, even as a Category 1.


Not bad...

Congrats on A-bot's third place. This wasn't a bad piece but it definitely felt like it was missing something in places... I voted '4' on this piece - it was a great track but it was missing the excitement and interest that would've rated a 5.

Perhaps a little bit of reverb before the drums kick in would help give it some body -

Don't get the wrong idea - I'm NOT trying to trash your work - it IS very good - I'm only trying to give as honest of a review as I can.

Hope to hear more from you!

Not bad at all!

Congrats on the A-bot second place! - This was a really dark piece - the cave ambience was nice - gave it a 'bad-guy' feel. Altogether a decent piece of musik. Keep it up!

tedJohnston responds:

hey, thanks lots man! i didn't even realize i got A-Bot Frontpage 'till i read your review! hahaha. this was my first NG AP piece and i seriously whipped it out in like two hours while i was bored. i feel like i have alot of better songs on the AP right now, but i guess A-Bot was in a Drum N Bass mood hahaha. please check out some of my other songs too! (and uhh...leave reviews *cough, cough*). thanks again!

I do all of the above. I mean it. I can back it up too.


Ronin Animator

Multiple Many, and how


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