Always love listening to your work
Great job - nice bit of chill. Left one point for improvement though - Not sure what helpful advice I could give right now but a little more variation on the drums after about the first minute couldn't hurt. Just a bit though - I don't think you need to go overboard with anything crazy... maybe just change up every fourth bar a bit more. At this point, the following suggestion is almost cliché but perhaps a few triplet stutters here and there might be cool. Overused? yeah probably - but I still think they're cool just the same.
Two other things you may want to try - the bass from about 1:40 to the end is great as is but a slow morph from 1:40 to 3:10 could give it more of a sense of evolution - same with the synth that we hear from 2:40 through the end - try morphing the cut and/or res a bit and see what happens.
Play with the drone that starts in at 1:47 - a little gate action could add some interest - or perhaps one better - run this bitch through a sequenced gated multiband compressor or some other such rythmic choppity toy.
Aside from that, the only other thing that I can think of that would make this better would be to rename the track "LJCoffee is my hero" :D
Thanks for making my life a little more interesting with your music!