Not bad at all
My one criticism is that the intro really didn't seem like it belonged with the rest - almost like we got the tail end of a very cool song and a transistion to an etirely different song.
To be honest I liked the intro much better than the rest of the song - it sounded like it had more potential to be something new and different - after the intro fades out and the rest of the song comes in it just becomes ... well, techno ... It was good enough - It's the same as what you might hear in a techno club around here but I think you could've done something to distinguish yourself a little more from the rest of the techno composers out there.
Keep in mind though that straight techno isn't exactly my thing so take any criticism with a grain (or a pund) of salt.
Overall it was well done and I'm voting 5 on it.
Hopr to hear more from you.